The Painting (2016)
- Duration: 01:36:00
- Year: 2016
- Rating: NR
- Cast: Robert Homer Mollohan, Joe Dalo, Henry Hereford, Merilee Brasch, Caleb Lane, Ivet Corvea, Allexa D'Alessio, Andy David Bowland, Janet Fontaine, Ronnie Marmo, Michael Laurie, John Patrick Kelly, J'Antonio Baguez, Vanessa Bogner, James Mendoza, Charlie Brumbly, Jaqui Long, Nic Oliverio, Lola Del Fresno, Oraniz Nivor
- Directors: Robert Rothbard
- Writers: Sally Lamb, Robert Rothbard
- Genre: Horror, Zombie
Edward Lexington will stop at nothing to become the most successful painter of all times. Only problem is, he can't paint at all.